Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Dreamweaver - Visual Application Generator

Most people use Dreamweaver for creating static web pages.

Some people use it for managing web sites - local files are created in Dreamweaver and FTP'd from within Dreamweaver to a remote site.

However the really cool thing about Dreamweaver is that you can use it to create dynamic websites which connect to databases without having to worry about writing code. You can choose a server model e.g. PHP, ASP, Coldfusion, etc. You can configure Dreamweaver to connect using these languages to databases like MySQL, ACCESS, SQLServer, etc.

First you must define the site
Then the application (Testing server)
Then the SQL Connection
After that it's pretty much drag and drop.

see help in Dreamweaver re-Applications

I will post example settings for the configurations in my next post


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