Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Detailed Design Document

Hand hard copy into School of science office by close of business Friday 8th December.
Email me a link to the electronic version (ideally should be detailed_design_.pdf)

Check what time the office closes!

- Proper cover - have you got the project name, code, team member name & numbers, date
- headers & footers on each page
- page numbers
- 1.5 line spacing
- paragraphs fully justified
- use Header styles
- general to detail as you read from lpage 1 to final page.
- Use appendix for previous work (sketches etc)
- don't waffle
- DataBase - diagram of tables and relationships
- description of tables, relationships, queries
- if already include created use screenshot and/or scripts
- content inventory
- game map
- schedule - list of all tasks & top level gannt chart

Semester 2 Provisional Deadlines

Finish Work on Project on Monday 16th April

Hand Up FINAL REPORT on Tuesday 17 th April at 5.00

Project DEMOS in the Auditorium on Thursday 19th April